Saturday, December 6, 2008

Webkinz Scammers

I have been recently considering this as I now do more trading on webkinz over other websites that aren't webkinz. 

There are many ways to avoid this however and safely trade over the web.

1. If someone says someone is not a scammer you can't always believe it. It could be people who no the scammer or even people who are payed to say stuff like that. If someone you really trust says it though you don't have to worry.

2. Every time you agree to a trade agree to meet in the trading room.

3. Never give your username, rather your pet name and what it will be wearing.

4. Make sure you've laid out the rules and people have agreed. If someone breaks the rules report them as a scammer immediately. Through their username throughout the site explaining in a detailed way how they scammed you. Even if you aren't pretend to be upset to get people to dislike them.

5. Always believe someone reporting a scammer even if they lied before because you never know.

As long as you do this trading hould be safe and fun :)

1 comment:

smark said...

Thanks! Great tips! :-)